Studio Assistance


Studio Julian Charrière is offering an entry-level assistant position to support our art handling and production team in a wide range of tasks.

Candidates must be highly-motivated, independent-thinking problem solvers. The studio is a busy place with many things going on all at once and the ideal person for this position will be someone who can boldly integrate themselves into the system, finding ways to be helpful at all times.
You will work alongside a diverse team of artists, architects, designers and carpenters alike. You will find yourself working in fully-equipped professional workshops. An important part of your work will consist of keeping the studio spaces in a functional and presentable state.
The job is ideal for people who would like to gain a general overview of the processes in an artist studio and collect first experiences in art production.

Main responsibilities include:
• Maintenance of workshop and tools
• Art handling
• Installation and de-installation of artworks
• Storage management
• Production assistance

• Written and spoken fluency in German and English
• Driving license, comfortable driving vans and small trucks
• Previous carpentry experience is a plus
• Previous experience working in a gallery environment is a plus

Please direct your CV and letter of motivation in either German or English to Zorya Serra:

About the artist and the studio:
Julian Charrière (1987) is a French-Swiss artist based in Berlin. Marshalling performance, sculpture, film and photography, his projects often stem from remote fieldwork in liminal locations, from sites of industrial extraction to volcanic calderas; remote icefields to nuclear testing grounds. By encountering such places where acute geophysical and cultural identities have formed, Charrière speculates on alternative histories and our changing ideas of "nature", often utilizing materiality and deep time as lenses for doing so. Seeking to deconstruct the cultural traditions which govern how the natural world is perceived and represented, Charrière's multidimensional practice frequently leads him to cross-field collaborations with scientists, musicians, engineers, and philosophers. From artistic expeditions to the staging of immersive installations, the core of his practice concerns itself with how the human being inhabits the world, and how it in turn inhabits us.

His work has been the subject of exhibitions at major institutions worldwide, with recent solo presentations including Erratic at SMOMA, San Francisco (2022), Controlled Burn at Langen Foundation, Neuss (2022) and Towards No Earthly Pole at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas (2021). Further notable solo exhibitions have been presented at Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (2020); MASI Lugano, Lugano (2019); MAMbo, Bologna (2019); and Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2018) among others. Charrière's work has been featured in multiple international Biennales, such as the 16th Lyon Contemporary Art Biennale (2022); the Guangzhou Image Triennial (2021); the Taipei Biennial (2018); and the 57th Biennale di Venezia (2017).

The studio consists of a team of approximately 20 dedicated professionals from diverse backgrounds, all working together on the realization of artworks and exhibitions for the artist Julian Charrière. In a dynamic and fast-paced environment, the studio team's daily activities range from architectural planning, project management, research, archiving, and communication to the production of numerous projects, many of which take place in the studio's own workshops. Additionally, the studio maintains close relationships with many external partners and sees itself as a place of creative production and exchange with a strong policy of inclusion and diversity.

Angaben zum Unternehmen
Studio Julian Charriere
Zorya Serra
Bessemerstrasse 2-14
Angaben zur ausgeschriebenen Stelle
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